Church of Expression

Pentecostalism is a renewal movement within Protestant Christianity that places special emphasis on a direct personal experience of God through baptism with the Holy Spirit. Pentecostalism is widely known for emphasizing individual experiences of grace, spiritual gifts, expressive worship, and evangelism. Modern Pentecostalism was founded in 1906. The main focus of the design is for Pentecostal churches in America. This one in particular, is located in Altadena, CA.

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This design focuses on the expression towards God from people. The worship space is designed to give people the opportunity to truly express themselves during worship. There are designated spaces where people can express themselves towards God. This gives people of the church the space necessary to really express their feels in their faith. Each expression space is highlighted with artificial lighting so that they are easily seen within the worship space.


This design focuses on bringing in the community. Due to the size of the church, there are 2 main entrances. There is one entrance opened to the main street and the other entrance is opened to the main parking lot. By having 2 separate entrances, it is easier to circular people in and out of the church. Once people are inside, they have the freedom to move within the space and not only to relax and form community, but they can also express themselves.




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